Spring Field Semester
In their own words...
View a week-by-week summary of the spring field semester written by the students.
Spring 2025 Summary
Spring 2024 Summary
Spring 2023 Summary

Local Forests
The first half of the Spring Field Semester is spent visiting local forested areas such as Raven Run, Berea Forest, or the Daniel Boone National Forest. Students learn learn about different ecosystems, land uses, landownership types, and wood industry facilities.

Robinson Forest
The second half of the field semester is spent at the University of Kentucky's 14,000 acre research forest. Cabins, dining hall, classroom, and computer lab are steps away from the forest.

Hands-on training
One of the benefits of the field semester is students receive 14-weeks of hands-on training in the field of forest hydrology and watershed management, wildlife management, forest operations, silviculture, forest health, and forest measurements.
Additional Fees
The additional fees for the spring field semester total approximately $3,000. This fee covers transportation to field sites while you are based in Lexington, room and board for the weeks you are at Robinson Forest, transportation and lodging for multiple extended field trips throughout the state, and some field equipment that will be yours to keep.
For questions or additional information on the undergraduate forestry program, contact Laura Robinson, Forestry Academic Coordinator at 859-257-8718 or L.Robinson@uky.edu. Also, email Laura if you would like to arrange an in-person visit or a Zoom meeting. Let us know how we can help!
Email Laura Robinson