Wildlife Biology and Management Minor
designed to provide students in forestry, natural resource environmental science, biology, animal science and related majors with a broad foundation in wildlife ecology and the practice of wildlife management and conservation.
Students are required to complete a core set of foundational wildlife courses that provides a fundamental understanding of basic concepts, principles, and practices of wildlife studies applicable to multiple career lines that incorporate wildlife management, research, teaching, outreach, and land stewardship. Completion of the minor will also satisfy many of the courses required to become a Certified Wildlife Biologist as recognized by The Wildlife Society professional organization.

Forestry Majors
Plan ahead! Work with your advisor early to map out a path for both forestry and wildlife
View course plan for forestry majorsMinor Prerequisites
- BIO 148 Introductory Biology I (3)
Minor Requirements
- FOR 101 Introduction to Wildlife Conservation (3) (spring)
- FOR 370 Wildlife Biology and Management (4) (fall)
- FOR 435 Conservation Biology (3) (spring)
Two of the following courses focused on specific taxonomic groups:
- FOR 510 Herpetology (4) (spring)
- FOR 520 Mammals of the Eastern United States (4) (fall)
- BIO 559 Ornithology (4) or FOR 515 Bird Ecology and Management (4) (spring)
Minor Electives
One of the following courses:
*This course may count as a Minor Elective if the student has taken two other courses needed to fulfill the taxonomic group-specific component of the Minor Requirements.
- BIO 303 Introduction to Evolution (4)
- BIO 325 Ecology (4)
- BIO 375 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (3)
- BIO 559 Ornithology (4)* or FOR 515 Bird Ecology and Management (4)*
- BIO 555 Vertebrate Zoology (5)
- FOR 340 Forest Ecology (4)
- FOR 400 Human Dimensions of Forestry & Nat. Res. (3)
- FOR 510 Herpetology (4)*
- FOR 520 Mammals of the Eastern United States (4)*
- FOR 530 Freshwater Ecology (3)
- FOR 540 Urban Ecology (3)
- FOR 550 U.S. Biodiversity Hotspots (3)
- FOR/GEO 570 Landscape Ecology for Natural Resources (3)
- NRE/LA 556 Contemporary Geospatial Applications for Land Analysis (3)
Total Hours Required: Minimum 21 hours

For additional information on the Wildlife Biology and Management Minor, contact Dr. John Cox
Contact Information for Dr. CoxQuestions?
For questions or additional information on the undergraduate forestry program, contact Laura Robinson, Forestry Academic Coordinator at 859-257-8718 or L.Robinson@uky.edu. Also, email Laura if you would like to arrange an in-person visit or a Zoom meeting. Let us know how we can help!
Email Laura RobinsonQuick Links
Forestry and Natural Resources Department
(859) 257-7596
Forestry and Natural Resources Extension
(859) 257-7597