Spring Field Semester 2025

Spring Field Semester 2025

Spring Field Semester 2025

Week 6 and 7 - Spring Field Semester 2025

by Amber

The weeks of February 17-27, Chad Niman guided us in the full process of turning a tree into a finished product. With the help of John Reinstetle and the crew at Robinson Forest, we began by felling a dying white oak, discussing its lean, the best direction for felling, and techniques to minimize damage. After the tree was on the ground, we sawed the logs into lumber, selecting cuts to maximize usable wood. Once cut, we graded the boards based on quality and stacked them in preparation for kiln drying.

In addition to processing the newly felled tree, we worked alongside John Marcum with wood provided by the previous cohort to build tables. This allowed us to see how harvested lumber transitions from raw material to a finished product. Through this process, we observed the entire supply chain starting with the tree in the forest, moving through cutting, grading, drying, and finally into functional furniture. This hands-on experience gave us insight into the various steps involved in producing usable wood products from a harvested tree.

Photo of spring field semester
The class picture outside of the Wood Utilization Center after finishing our cutting boards. Photo by Chad Niman
Photo of spring field semester
Amber assembles a table after the class cut, planed, and sanded the parts. Photo by Anna
Photo of spring field seemster
John Reinstetle explained the process of felling a tree, discussing its lean, the best direction for felling, and techniques to minimize damage. Photo by Amber
Photo of spring field semester
Assembling tables at the Wood Center in Jackson, Ky. Photo by Amber

Week 5 - Spring Field Semester 2025

by Tobias

In early February, the class went to Robinson Forest with Dr. Muller for training in statistics and measurements. The objective was to understand how to take good measurements for the purpose of robust sampling to create a strong statistical understanding of the forest as well as how to inventory a forest. First, the class reviewed what it means to have a robust statistical model. Then we reviewed the methods of good, accurate measurements. Once this was done, we then broke into several groups to review tree grading around the camp at Robinson Forest. We discussed our tree grades and why we decided on these tree grades.

We then gathered into two groups and went to continuous forest inventory (CFI) plots in the forest to take measurements on these plots to practice these skills. These measurements were then used as samples by the groups as a sort of competition to see who applied the skills the best, since the CFI plots are continuously monitored we could compare our results of our measurements. Dr. Muller then took us up to a part of Robinson Forest that had been planted as a pine plantation to take similar measurements. This time, he divided the class into three groups and had us set up our own sampling method and plot layout to practice establishing good methods for sampling in forest inventorying and timber cruising.

Photo of Spring Field Semester
Photo of Spring Field Semester
Photo of Spring Field Semester
Photo of Spring Field Semester

Week 3 and 4 - Spring Field Semester 2025

by Abby

During the third and fourth weeks of the spring field semester, we learned about silvicultural practices with Dr. John Lhotka from January 27 to February 7. Our class also participated in American Tree Farm (ATFS) training on Jan. 28, which Bob Bauer and Doug McLaren instructed. Project Learning Tree (PLT) training was held on Feb. 4 and Laurie Thomas, Doug McLaren, and Pony Meyer instructed. Throughout the silvicultural practices course, our class refreshed our knowledge of forest disturbances, site-species relationships, even-aged methods, and regeneration throughout various locations: Berea College Forest, Daniel Boone National Forest (Berea District), and Daniel Boone National Forest (London District). ATFS Training took place at the Thomas Poe Cooper Building, Lexington, where we became certified ATFS inspectors to acknowledge and help landowners manage their land through the eight Standards of Sustainability. PLT took place at Raven Run Nature Sanctuary where we became certified to teach PLT.

Throughout the two weeks of silvicultural practices, students participated in groups to complete field exercises that applied our knowledge of the science and art of silviculture to conduct stand delineation, prescribing stand management plans, regeneration prescriptions, and thinning operations to forest stands in various sites. These field exercises are important to learn as a forestry major because they expand our understanding of how to properly use certain equipment to plan out silvicultural prescriptions in addition to helping us understand our forests more and the potential outcomes of silvicultural prescriptions. These exercises help prepare us for a career in forestry by providing knowledge on how to apply silvicultural methods to help landowners sustainably manage their land.

Photo from spring field semester
Part of the Silvicultural Practices class (Dallas, Sharon, Alan, Delancey, Leo, Abby, Tobias, Drew, Anna) posing in front of a stone structure after delineating a stand at Berea College Forest on Thursday, January 30th. Photo by Dr. John Lhotka.
Photo from spring field semester
Dr. John Lhotka showing Silvicultural Practices class (Dallas, Tobias, Delancey, Leo) saddles of a mountain adjacent to a lookout, located in Berea College Forest after hiking to a lunch spot on Monday, January 27th. Photo by Abby C.
Photo from spring field semester
Silvicultural Practices class (Delancy, Anna, Drew, Sharon) hiking to the next location of the stand delineation field exercise, located in Berea College Forest on Thursday, January 30th. Photo by Abby C.
Photo from spring field semester.
Photo of Abby holding a Spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) in Berea College Forest on Monday, February 3rd. Photo by Abby C.

Week 2 - Spring Field Semester 2025

by Sharon

The second week of field semester we did our industry tours and went to a Kentucky-Tennessee Society of American Foresters (KTSAF) meeting. Our instructor Chad Niman took us to the tours and meetings. We started our tour at Kentucky Hardwood Lumber Company in Somerset, KY on Tuesday. They make a variety of board sizes for railroad tie, fencing posts, and many more products. The second stop on Tuesday was at Somerset Pellet Fuel where they turn sawdust bought from mills into pellets that can be burned for warmth. This was a great way to deal with the sawdust waste from cutting wood. The last place we visited on Tuesday was Merrick Hardwood Flooring in Burnside, KY. They process logs into raw hardwood flooring. During the tours, I learned how much technology actually goes into running facilities like this.

On Wednesday, our first stop was at Robinson Stave and Cumberland Cooperage. They make staves and build bourbon barrels. After that, we visited Stidham Cabinet Inc. in Corbin, KY. They make finished cabinets from a variety of wood. Our third stop was at Sauter Timber LLC in Rockwood, TN. They make wood beams, mass timber, and do traditional joinery.

On Thursday, the KTSAF meeting started in the morning. Multiple speakers talked about different techniques for oak regeneration. Someone spoke about hardwood sales worldwide and the challenges that come with it. In addition, a speaker from John Deere spoke about the equipment they offer for loggers. On Friday, we had a panel of speaker we could ask questions about their experiences. Talking to people who work in the forest industry at KTASF and the industry tours was very helpful. 

Photo of spring field semester
Sharon  at Sauter Timber
Photo of spring field semester
Photo at Kentucky Hardwood Lumber Company
Photo of spring field semester
Photo at Sauter Timber LLC
Photo of spring field semester
Photo at Robinson Stave and Cumberland Cooperage

Week 1 - Spring Field Semester 2025

by Anna

For the first week of spring field semester, we learned winter dendrology with Zach Hackworth. The group of students I attended the course with included Amber, Dallas, Tobias, and many others. The course was from January 13th to January 17th, with the second half of every day being spent outside identifying trees. On Monday we reviewed tree identification techniques, specifically looking at types of bark and buds, as there are no leaves on trees (typically) in the winter. We then attended 5 field trips throughout the week to various locations: the UK Arboretum, UK’s campus, the Ashland Estate, and Berea. We took 3 daily quizzes, learned around 76 different tree and liana species, and took our final test at the Arboretum on Friday.

Throughout the week students reviewed common names, Latin names, and families of each species, as well as identifying characteristics. We completed field notebooks to help us retain important information about buds, twigs, growth forms, preferred sites, and more. The winter dendrology activities were important to learn as a forestry student because tree identification is a necessary tool for applying any type of forestry knowledge. For example, if you are helping a landowner understand their forest composition to apply a silviculture prescription, you must know the difference between a black walnut and a sugar maple. Winter dendrology has prepared me to be a forester by helping me refresh my knowledge from our first fall dendrology course, and how to distinguish species via bark, buds, and site type compared to leaves.

Photo of Spring Field Semester
Part of the winter dendrology crew (Delancey, Amber, and Anna) at the Ashland Estate on Wednesday, January 15th. The “dendro” crew was walking to a new tree to identify. Photo by Delancey M.
Photo of spring field semester
Part of the winter dendrology crew (Delancey, Alan, Ethan, Dallas, Sharon, Oliver) at the Ashland Estate on Wednesday, January 15th. The “dendro” crew is looking at a huge old blue ash tree next to a road. Photo by Anna A.
Photo of spring field semester
The winter dendrology crew with Zach Hackworth in Berea on Thursday, January 16th. The “dendro” crew is depicted learning about different tree species in a more mesic site, which is typically flooded by a small stream. Photo by Drew H.
Photo of spring field semester
A picture of persimmon bark in Berea on Thursday, January 16th. The picture depicts a mature persimmon tree growing in a more mesic site next to a stream. The bark is black, blocky, and banded (inner bark). Photo by Anna A.


For questions or additional information on the undergraduate forestry program, contact Laura Robinson, Forestry Academic Coordinator at 859-257-8718 or L.Robinson@uky.edu. Also, email Laura if you would like to arrange an in-person visit or a Zoom meeting. Let us know how we can help!

Email Laura Robinson

Contact Information

Thomas Poe Cooper Building 730 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40546-0073