Contact Information

Thomas Poe Cooper Building 730 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40546-0073

White Oak Publications

White Oak Publications

White Oak Initiative logoWhite oak is an important species in the Central Hardwood Forest and proper management of this species is critical for its long-term sustainability. The following series of University of Kentucky publications for both landowners and foresters and other natural resource professionals is aimed at assisting in management and conservation of this species. These publications and other white oak resources can also be obtained from the White Oak Initiative’s resources page.

Upland Oak tree

Landowners for Oaks Series – Landowners Guide to Identification and Characteristics

Guides to identification and characteristics of white oak and seven other important upland oaks common to upland oak forests provide details on species identification as well as site location, uses, and other important information.


FOR146 - Post Oak

Dec. 2, 2022

FOR145 - Scarlet Oak

Dec. 2, 2022

FOR144 - Chestnut Oak

Dec. 2, 2022

FOR143 - Chinkapin Oak

Dec. 2, 2022

FOR142 - Southern Red Oak

Dec. 2, 2022

FOR141 - Northern Red Oak

Dec. 2, 2022

FOR140 - Black Oak

Dec. 2, 2022

FOR139 - White Oak

Dec. 2, 2022

Landowners Guide to White Oak Management photo

Landowner for Oaks Series – Landowners Guide to Understanding, Challenges and Management

These publications inform forest landowners of the overall importance of white oak as a cornerstone species of our upland oak forests. Also included is a basic explanation of regeneration and recruitment issues that are a concern with white oak and upland oaks, as well as an introduction to the 10 management practices developed to create and maintain healthy upland oak forests.

Silvicultural Practices Series photo

Upland Oak and White Oak Silvicultural Practices Series

Guidelines have been developed for 10 practices most commonly used in upland oak management. The guidelines are designed to ensure consistent and effective prescription of silvicultural practices and enhance upland oak regeneration and development with special emphasis on white oak.


FOR168 - Two-Age Deferment Harvest for Upland Oaks

Jeffrey Stringer | Aug. 29, 2024

FOR164 - Site Preparation for Regeneration of Upland Oaks

Jeffrey Stringer | Aug. 29, 2024

FOR169 - Shelterwood Establishment Harvest for Upland Oaks

Jeffrey Stringer | Aug. 5, 2024

FOR167 - Group Opening (Gap) Harvest for Upland Oaks

Jeffrey Stringer, John Lhotka, Zachary J. Hackworth | Dec. 1, 2023

FOR166 - Crop Tree Release for Upland Oaks

Jeffrey Stringer | Dec. 1, 2023

FOR165 - Prescribed Fire for Upland Oaks

Dec. 1, 2023

FOR163 - Midstory Removal for Upland Oaks

Jeffrey Stringer, John Lhotka, Zachary J. Hackworth | Dec. 1, 2023

FOR162 - Soil Scarification for Upland Oaks

Dec. 1, 2023

FOR161 - Enrichment Planting of Upland Oaks

Dec. 1, 2023

Contact Information

Thomas Poe Cooper Building 730 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40546-0073