Hannah Angel

N24-C Ag Science Center North
1100 South Limestone St.
Lexington, KY 40506-0091
Last Revised: Sep 26th, 2024
Professional Biography
Lecturer, NRES focused
Ph.D., Crop and Soil Environmental Science, Virginia Tech, 2022
M.S., Forestry, Stephen F. Austin State University, 2017
B.S., Forestry, University of Kentucky, 2014
Course Instruction
NRE 201:
Introduction to Natural Resources and Environmental Science
Course Description: An introductory course in natural resources and environmental science. Students will study contemporary issues in natural resource and environmental science from local to global systems. Students will interact with a wide range of natural resource professionals; in so doing, we anticipate and intend that students will gain insight toward their concentration areas within the major. An overnight field trip is required. This course has an additional fee of $73.40.
Term(s) Taught:
Term(s) Taught:
NRE 320:
Extended Field Experience (Robinson Forest)
Course Description: A field-oriented course taught off campus as a three-week summer camp. Emphasis is placed on methodologies for field data collection necessary to evaluate a variety of natural resources in multiple ecosystem contexts (for example--forested and agricultural). Students will become familiar with sampling instrumentation, collection, preservation, analysis, and data interpretation. Lecture, 10 hours, laboratory, 30 hours per week (Monday-Friday) for three weeks.
Term(s) Taught: Summer
Term(s) Taught: Summer