Ellen Crocker

207 Thomas Poe Cooper Building
730 Rose Street
Lexington, KY 40546-0073
Last Revised: Apr 19th, 2024
Professional Biography
Woodland Health Threats
HealthyWoods App
Extension Responsibilities
- Tree and Forest Health
- Invasive Plants
- Insect Pests and Pathogens of Trees
- Mushrooms
Research Interests
- Forest health and sustainable forest management
- Forest pathology
- Invasive plant biology and management
- Plant-soil feedbacks
Course Instruction
FOR 310:
Intro to Forest Health and Protection
Course Description: Forest health is a ubiquitous goal in forest management. Everyone wants a healthy forest but what exactly does this mean? Definitions of what constitutes a healthy forest vary widely and can be different depending on forest type, management goals, and spatial scale. Tree health is an important part of forest health, but the two things are not synonymous. A wide range of abiotic and biotic factors can contribute to the decline of trees. While some level of mortality is healthy in natural systems (and unavoidable), other threats can jeopardize entire forests and/or forestry operations. Invasive insects and diseases are perhaps the most noticeable threats, causing widespread tree mortality and changing forest ecosystems worldwide. Many other stressors, from native species to extreme weather, cause occasional or incremental damage that can predispose trees to other factors or act synergistically to decrease forest health overall. This course will introduce forest health and lay the foundation for future courses in the forestry major, providing future forestry professionals with the skills to recognize and maintain forests that are sustainable and meet management goals. This course will introduce a broad range of topics related to forest health including: 1) defining forest health, 2) current forest health conditions, 3) biotic threats, 4) abiotic threats, 5) management.
Term(s) Taught: Spring
Term(s) Taught: Spring
FOR 602:
Renewable Natural Resources in a Global Perspective
Course Description: An advanced course that examines world and transboundary issues related to renewable natural resources. Students will attend a series of lectures, discuss assigned readings, and identify issues for further study. Student research papers related to those issues will be presented and discussed in a seminar format.
Term(s) Taught: Fall
Term(s) Taught: Fall