FOR176 - Building a Bird Nest Box with a Bird’s Eye View: A DIY Nest-box Camera
FOR176 - Building a Bird Nest Box with a Bird’s Eye View: A DIY Nest-box Camera

Watching nature from a backyard can be a fun and rewarding experience. Enhancing the experience can be accomplished by creating habitat and building structures to attract wildlife. Do-it-yourself (DIY) individuals may enjoy the “bird’s eye view” provided by a Wi-Fi camera mounted on the inside of a side-view nest box. This optimum viewing angle can provide the opportunity to see adult birds construct their nest and feed their hatchlings without disturbing their natural behavior. This publication outlines the design, construction, assembly, and installation of a side-view nest box, which is a project that can provide years of enjoyment, satisfaction, and learning opportunities.
Steve Higgins and James Ash - Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky
Matthew T. Springer - Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Kentucky
New Publications Wildlife Wildlife - Springer