Contact Information

Thomas Poe Cooper Building 730 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40546-0073

Natural Resources and Environmental Science Academy

Natural Resources and Environmental Science Academy

Want to Apply?

Natural Resources and Environmental Science Academy accepts applications for a 3-year period.

Apply here...

What is NRESci?

The NRESci Academy is a three-year program designed to teach youth about their natural environment. In the program, members participate in hands-on investigations to learn about Kentucky’s water, forest, entomology, and wildlife resources.

When does the Academy meet? Natural Resources and Environmental Science Academy (plus other logistics) The Academy is a three-year commitment and meets quarterly each year. Delegates attend a two-day residential retreat at Feltner 4-H Camp in September and participate in three 1-day events held in winter, spring, and summer. The locations of the 1-day events vary and take place across the state at different natural areas/venues such as Salato Wildlife Education Center, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Robinson Forest, Lost River Cave, UK Campus, etc. (this is to ensure that youth experience a variety of natural areas and natural resource professionals during their 3-years in the program). Please note that this program does require substantial travel for families, as our 1-day events take place across the state.

One-day events take place on weekdays, generally in October/November, February/March, and May. These dates are set at the beginning of each program year. The dates are scheduled for 2024-2025 and are listed on the application.

Transportation to/from events is not provided. Families are responsible for providing transportation. (Agent note: Some county Extension staff provide transportation for their youth, while other counties rely on families to provide transportation. Many times families will carpool to events.)

Who can apply? Applicants must be in the 5th grade at the time of the application (upcoming 6th graders the following Fall). If selected, youth/families must agree to make a three-year commitment to the program. Please note that only 25 youth will be selected from the entire state to participate. Applications will be reviewed in May, and applicants will be notified in June if they are selected to be a part of the program.

What is the cost? The cost of the program is $175/year. The cost includes lodging and meals for the Fall Retreat and programming costs associated with the 1-day events. Partial and/or full scholarships may be available. If available, a scholarship application will be made available to members by June.

What do youth do in the Academy? Each year of the 3-year program, delegates concentrate on a different core area (water, entomology, forestry, wildlife) and interact with experts in each of these disciplines. Youth participate in a variety of field exercises, including stream sampling, forest measurement data collection, wildlife observation and trapping, insect collection and identification, and much more. Youth also have the opportunity to visit natural areas throughout the Commonwealth, such as Lost River Cave, Salato Wildlife Education Center, Minor E. Clark Fish Hatchery, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Robinson Forest, University of Kentucky’s campus, and more.

Contact Information

Thomas Poe Cooper Building 730 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40546-0073